Sunday 13 March 2016

Experimental Collage 2 (Circles)

I created some experimental collages using found images and parts of my own work, I have decided that I am not going to develop these pieces any further as they don't really fit in with the rest of the visuals for this project.
However before I decided this I did play around with creating these collages in a circular composition as I knew that I wanted circles to be a theme throughout this project.
These are the outcomes of this experimentation:


Experimental Collage 1

During this project I have struggled with how I wanted the visuals to look and develop, as I started this project only creating paintings, however I felt this was really limiting my visual outcomes and didn't really fit with my creative process.  I like to use a variety of medias and techniques during a project and create as many visual outcomes as possible.
So I decided that I would introduce some different techniques to this project, and to start this I experimented with some digital collages on Photoshop, using found images and some sections from the paintings I have created already during this project.     
I feel that these experimental collages turned out well however I have decided that I want this project to look different visually and these outcomes don't really fit in with my other ideas for this project.
Saying that I don't think that I would have been able to come to this conclusion and developed other ideas without having had created these collages. This made me realise what I didn't want this project to look like and therefore made me realise what I wanted visually. 
Development of  PS collage 1
Final collage 1
Development of PS collage 2

Final collage 2
Development 1
Development 2
Final collage 3
I am happy with how these collages turned out and as a sub-project they work really well however they don't really fit in with the other visuals in this project, as I decided to go in a different direction.