Saturday 16 January 2016

Grey And Green (Head And Flowers) - Watercolour

This is another small A6 study based on anatomy and muscles, focusing on the muscles of the face and neck. This is slightly different to the other A6 pieces I have done so far, as the flowers I have included in this composition are alive, where as in my other studies they are dead and dried out.
I feel that this piece worked well and I do quite like the use of the live flowers in this piece, however I feel that it looks slightly misplaced when it is along side my other pieces and the flowers look strikingly different to the dead ones. This piece is mainly black and white, with just a small amount of green in the centre of the flowers, which is similar to my other pieces. However most of the other pieces I have created so far include the red/brown colour. I feel that makes this piece look a little odd when all my work is displayed together, as it doesn't have that colour to tie it in with the other pieces. It may have worked better as a series of paintings if it had the red/brown in it. Saying that I feel that it works really well on its own.

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